Despite the economic slowdown, female participation in the labor force increased


Survey: Women’s LFPR increased from 24.5 percent to 30 percent.
The labor force comprises 30.70 crore males and 11.98 crore females.

New Delhi. The participation of women in the labor force of the country has increased. According to the recently released labor force survey, the labor force participation rate (LFPR) of women above 15 years of age increased by 5.5 per cent to 30 per cent from 24.5 per cent in the financial year 2019-20, while that of men in the labor force during the same period. The participation of the state increased by only 1.3 per cent i.e. from 75.5 per cent to 76.8 per cent.

In the financial year 2019-20, the number of women workers increased by 29 percent as compared to the financial year 2018-19. This increase in the number of women workers has come at a time when the unemployment rate in the country was at its peak and was increasing rapidly. At the same time, the country’s economy was also in the grip of Corona epidemic and the growth rate was declining continuously.

No more jobs found: The labor force comprises 30.70 crore males and 11.98 crore females. Economists say that increased participation of women in the labor force does not mean that they have got more jobs or jobs, but the data of working women in this survey has been well recorded.

Decline due to under reporting
The LFPR of women had been declining since the Labor Force Survey of 2009-10. Women working in grocery shops etc. were not being counted in the labor force. The best recording of women in the labor force was in Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and some hill states of the North-East. Wherein Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana had the highest underreporting.

The performance of the top states was like this-
Himachal Pradesh – 65 percent
Chhattisgarh – 53.1 percent
Uttar Pradesh – 17.7 percent
Haryana – 15.7 percent
Bihar – 9.5 percent

The LFPR of women over the age of 15 rose by 5.5 percent.
The share of men in the labor force increased by only 1.3 percent in the year 2019-20.
The labor force comprises 30.70 crore males and 11.98 crore females.


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